Green Banana Flour: The Perfect Gluten-Free Flour Alternative 

Green Banana Flour is a gluten free fiber, not just any fiber it is a prebiotic fiber. Prebiotics feed the good bacteria in your gut. “Prebiotics are special plant fibers that help healthy bacteria grow in your gut. This makes your digestive system work better”.

Green banana flour is the easiest wheat replacement flour for making gluten-free cakes, biscuits and gravies. A gluten-free diet can provide many health benefits, especially for those with celiac disease. It may help ease digestive symptoms, reduce chronic inflammation, boost energy, and promote weight loss. Green banana flour has much lower calories than offered by other wheat flour alternatives such as cassava, oat, almond, and rice flour. So it is a great healthy choice.

Harness the Benefits of Gluten-Free Flour in Your Own Baking

Ready to discover the benefits of green banana flour as a gluten-free flour alternative for yourself? 

At Anthill Kitchen, we grow, produce and package our own organic green banana flour, harnessing the power of nature and Zambia’s sunshine. 

Looking to explore green banana flour baking at home? Check out our recipes here

Want to partner with a green banana flour supplier? Learn more about working with us using the form below.